Friday, June 25, 2010

What You Can Do To Prevent The Pain Of Heartburn

Heartburn is the sensation after the acid from the stomach refluxes back inside the esophagus and makes a burning sensation within your chest behind the breast bone. This pain can become very serious and at times can be mistaken for a real heart attack.

The top option with heartburn is to really try and prevent it rather than wait until an attack and treat it then. Therefore, to stay away from heartburn you must be proactive instead of reactive.

It has been stated, there are possibly three major causes of heartburn:

Medical conditions such as GERD, Ulcers

Food that we consume


Therefore, it is important that we realize the real causes of this issue so that we are able to put an end to the symptoms and prevent heartburn. If for instance medical disorders and the utilizing of medication can be discounted as the subsequent cause for your heartburn, then it can be deduced that it is down to the food.

Therefore, if this is the case spicy foods ought to be avoided as much as you can. A look at your diet and exercise routine must also be undertaken as you diet must include good water intake, about 8 glasses of water per day, low fat and natural fiber.

There are other things that may bring on the heartburn condition. These are such things as smoking, alcohol, coffee, and tea have all been found to be an activator for the onset of heartburn.

Another factor that can lead to heartburn is stress, the more you are stressed the more likely you will develop heartburn. Therefore, it is a good idea to practice relaxation techniques as this can help reduce your stress levels and in turn lessen the onset of heartburn episodes.

Being aware as to what is triggering the bouts of heartburn is very important as this can be used to reduce and possibly stop the occurrence of heartburn. If the main cause of your heartburn condition is found then the triggers may be deleted and end the heartburn episode.

So the message is to try and eliminate the causes of heartburn by making improvements in your diet and also to identify and thus eliminate the triggers and therefore avoid heartburn.

If you're suffering with heartburn, there are a lot of extremely effective Cures For Heartburn that will put an end to this issue for good in 8 weeks. Click Here if you are serious about ending this nightmare once and for all.

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