Thursday, April 22, 2010

Household Items You Can Use To Cure Heartburn Naturally

Heartburn can be described as a condition that is also known as GERD or indigestion. This disorder is created as soon as too much stomach acid reaches the esophagus.

This heartburn condition can definitely cause a lot of pain and some of the symptoms include tightness in the throat or chest area. Although there are many medications available today to treat chronic heartburn, there are some natural household remedies you can use that are very effective.

One of these household heartburn remedies is baking soda. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water to make a great antacid. You can use this natural remedy several times throughout the day to treat this condition.

Another thing you can do is suck on a piece of hard candy to alleviate the symptoms. However, you should stay away from chocolate and peppermint candy. These types of candy have certain ingredients that will relax the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach and can make your heartburn condition worse.

You can try using papaya and pineapple as a way to naturally treat this problem. The enzymes inside papaya is great for soothing upset stomach and easing the symptoms of heartburn.

You can also use pineapple the same away as papaya. You can use either of these food items by eating them raw or cutting them up and eating them with your meal.

Another one of the best household heartburn remedies is to take digestive enzymes. Try taking digestive enzymes in the form of a pill or powder that you mix in a glass of water after each of your meals.

Try adding a lot more fiber to your meals in the form of vegetables or you can use a powdered fiber solution by consuming more fiber you will help your body digest food better. Try a few of these household remedies for heartburn and begin lessening the occurrence of heartburn.

If you're suffering with heartburn, there are a number of extremely helpful Cures For Heartburn that will put an end to this problem permanently.

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