Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Most Common Causes Of Heartburn

Any person that has dealt with a bad case of heartburn understands how painful it can be. This disorder can be so painful that it will cause you to hesitate when it when it comes to eating your favorite foods. There is more than one cause of heartburn, however if you can locate them you can really stop heartburn pains permanently.

But first, what exactly is heartburn? Once you eat food the food is meant to go through a particular path down to your esophagus and in your stomach. If the valve that is meant to allow your food pass through to your stomach area does not work properly it will let some acid from the stomach to enter your esophagus. Once this occurs it is referred to as acid reflux and acid reflux is the same as heartburn.

Heartburn is usually when you experience a burning sensation within your chest. This pain typically takes place once you are done eating and it can continue to go on for many hours. This condition might even cause you to feel like the food is caught in your chest and throat. If frequent heartburn is not treated it can cause the condition to become extremely severe and frequent.

Some of the foods that are notorious for the cause of heartburn include fatty foods, garlic, tomatoes, mint, and chocolate. Most people will experience the heartburn condition when they eat spicy foods. If this is the case then you should consume milder versions of the food you love to eat.

A lot of different beverages can cause heartburn too. You ought to be aware of acidic beverages such as orange juice. Additional causes of heartburn are coffee, sodas, and alcohol. When it comes to beverages there is no other effective beverage that can decrease your symptoms than water. Drinking water will decrease your heartburn symptoms by diluting the acid in your stomach.

Another cause of heartburn most people don't think about is their exercise routine. Believe it or not, but some exercises can reverse the flow of digestion, forcing stomach acid back into the esophagus. Some of these exercises include forward rolls, somersaults, and any other exercise that causes you to be upside down. Moreover, some yoga moves and stomach exercises like crunches can cause the reverse of the natural flow of your digestion.

If you notice that your heartburn condition gets worse at night then the cause of your heartburn is most likely your bed. You might have to elevate your bed or body with pillows while you're sleeping. This will increase gravity to keep stomach acids out of your esophagus.

Another cause of heartburn is tight clothing. Tight clothes can easily aggravate your digestion by putting unnecessary pressure on your stomach area. This added pressure will force acid into your esophagus. You should try wearing clothes that fit loosely to avoid the occurrence of this problem.

Finally, pregnancy is another huge cause of heartburn. While pregnant your hormones will change and pressure inside your stomach will increase due to the growing baby. Moreover, you diet choices while pregnant can also cause heartburn pains. If you are pregnant you can get heartburn relief by staying away from spicy foods. While pregnant you should also try to not lay down right after meals since this can cause indigestion leading to heartburn.

If you're dealing with heartburn, there are a few very effectual Cures For Heartburn that will put an end to this problem permanently.

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