Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reasons You Are Dealing With Heartburn

The well known name for the gastric reflux is heartburn and this is a disorder that a lot of people have dealt with at least one time in their lives. It manifests especially after a large meal by bringing a very unpleasant burning sensation behind the breastbone.

The heartburn sufferers normally experience this sensation near the heart and that is the reason why this disorder is known as heartburn. Don't worry! Heartburn doesn't mean that there's something wrong with your heart.

Once the acids in the stomach come back to the esophagus area you will definitely feel the symptoms.

To be a lot more precise, the primary cause for this disease is a digestive tract problem. The esophageal sphincter (LES) is actually a valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus.

If this valve gets weak, it will not operate the way it should and will not prevent the reflux of food juices causing the stomach acids to come back to the esophagus area.

The people that do not notice heartburn have a much lower esophageal sphincter that keeps closed after each time you eat a meal. But they are the lucky ones and are not the subject of this article.

With gastric reflux, the valve opens after each large meal and the stomach juice comes back into the esophagus causing the burning sensation.

The main reason for this condition is a malfunction of the LES because the stomach acids reflux into the esophagus causing the gastric reflux condition.

The stomach acids produce an inflammation known as the reflux disease. The walls of the stomach are pretty strong and they have no problem with the acids but unfortunately the esophagus is very sensitive and it's affected by the stomach acid's corrosion. In other words the esophagus is severely damaged and it feels like it's on fire.

If you live a lifestyle that is not healthy and eat poorly it will cause gastric reflux. That's why if you want to avoid this nasty burning sensation it's recommended that you eat only moderate meals and avoid as much as possible eating at night.

In addition to all that, other factors that may produce this problem are: Stress, pregnancy, anxiety, indigestion, obesity and lifting heavy objects.

The people that suffer from gastric disease normally do not get rid of bad food items from their menu and that is why the heartburn keep returning. That happens because in most cases tasty foods contain some compounds that increase the stomach acid levels.

In conclusion, if you suffer from gastric reflux it's recommended that you don't eat citrus foods, tomatoes, caffeine-based products, sodas, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. The list is very long and you should know that all these foods will relax the LES allowing the stomach acids to return to the esophagus.

If you are dealing with heartburn, there are a number of extremely effective Cures For Heartburn that will put an end to this problem permanently in 8 weeks. Click Here if you are serious about ending this nightmare permanently.

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